2008년 9월 19일 금요일

question 5

5) What do you know about this school?

For one thing , this school is a boarding school. Also, this school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, and after school activities. And there are english-only-zones and people get penalties if they use Korean in these areas. Also, students are divided largely in two groups,those who are preparing for schools abroad and those who are preparing for schools in Korea. They are educated differently.

댓글 1개:

eLearning :


Grammatically, this is great! Still, I would like to hear/read you say/write more about which activities you are interested in. It's a bit broad to just say that the school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. All schools do!

Just curious, what is the penatly for speaking Korean in an English-only-zone?

And, what are some of the differences in how students are educated if they choose to go abroad or attend university domestically?

Nice work.